AussieBum – Catch of the Day

aussie day AussieBum Catch of the Day


In a break with tradition ’s latest underwear range, Catch of the Day, leaves nothing to the imagination & highlights the sexy attitude & style of any man
who dares to wear it!

Eddie Klint for GQ Russia

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Editorial “Amid Blooms” for GQ Style Russia with model shot by .

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SWEAT SWEAT Editorial with Marcello and Enrico de Giuli for DNA

dna5 SWEAT SWEAT Editorial with Marcello and Enrico de Giuli for DNAdna2 SWEAT SWEAT Editorial with Marcello and Enrico de Giuli for DNAdna3 SWEAT SWEAT Editorial with Marcello and Enrico de Giuli for DNA

YVY brings to you a first hand look to SWEAT SWEAT editorial, from latest DNA’s  issue.
Once again  photographer Sandro & Maykson are the DNA’s featured photographic duo, explore the dynamic appeal of sport and athletes – from the sexual tension of the locker room to the fantasies inspired by gear – on- and off-field, and once again with the couple .

See below the complet editorial!

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Acne Paper

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The world of £5, coffee table perfect is a competitive one especially when they’re A3.  As with all tote bag sized, high-fashion publications, you’ve got to sift through the pretentious tosh to get to the good stuff but when you do its well worth the cost and the weight. As is the case when it comes to , a bi-annual publication that has joined the ranks of other established style titles that keep the fashion pack clucking.

With contributors such as Paris Vogue’s Carine Roitfeld, , Azzedine Alaia, and Julie Verhoven (and that’s just naming  a few) you’d think would have been created by a gaggle of skinny, Balenciaga clad Parisian fashion editors. Whilst it has been produced by a team of creatives with their pulses firmly on the high-fashion pulse, shares its brand with one of the world’s most sought after denim turned fashion labels, Acne. Read more…

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Brad Pitt is an Umbrella Holder

brad21 Brad Pitt is an Umbrella Holderbrad31 Brad Pitt is an Umbrella Holderbrad7 728x1024 Brad Pitt is an Umbrella Holder

Umbrella holder Brad Pitt helps keep a sumo wrestler dry while filming another commercial for Japanese cell phone company Softbank in New York City’s Midtown neighborhood on Tuesday night (April 28).

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Photos: Bill Davila/Startraksphoto

Diesel Furniture

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A three-dimensional Broadway style “Rock Marquee”on the façade of Milan’s building – featuring the names of the performing brands – welcome the 800 selected guests at the Successful Living from International Premiere! The brand opens its doors during the International Design Fair to welcome its new collections: furniture with Moroso, lighting with Foscarini and the second Home textile collection by Zucchi, all of this collections are designed by ’s Creative Team headed by Creative Director Wilbert Das.

The range will be available in the UK from October 09 at stores, selected department stores and furniture specialists. For more information please visit the Diesel website.