Riki Tinoza, 24 years old, originally from France, Paris, but leaving in Montreal since 4 years, is a student in media art, but photography is his first passion. “I describe my work as a combination of portrait and fashion photography. My goal behind each picture is to represent an emotion or a story. If I had to give few photographer names who have been inspired my work, I would say Nick knight, Steven Klein, Andy Houghton and Erwin Olaf. I also get a lot of inspiration while listening to music.” said the talented Riki.
Riki’s latest work features Felix Bujo, one of the most visible model in Montreal right now, with this shooting Riki wanted to take him out of his comfort zone and do some artistic shot with him. “For this shooting I took inspiration from Steven Klein universe by the used of different accessories and specially the mix of leather and metal. The last part of the shooting, meaning the one in the dark water, the inspiration came to me when I was listening to “the devil’s water” of Rennie Foster.
→ Riki Tinoza Official Site

The most talked magazine – 160g – is now online with their second issue that welcomes to a wonderful OLD SCHOOL world, all things vintage and retro from early 60s to 80s.
The fantastic issue that features an editorial entitled “Amazing Grace” photographed by Stefan Milev and styled by Zuzana Vintiskova is a preview of this vintage style that inspire the magazine
→ 160g – The Old School Issue

![craig-malozzi-xxx-yvymag-1-david-arnot craig malozzi xxx yvymag 1 david arnot EXCLUSIVE! DAY TWO: CRAIG MALOZZI IS XXX RATED by DAVID ARNOT [NSFW]](http://www.yvymag.com/wp-content/uploads/craig-malozzi-xxx-yvymag-1-david-arnot.jpg)
![craig-malozzi-sm-yvy-222 craig malozzi sm yvy 222 EXCLUSIVE! DAY TWO: CRAIG MALOZZI IS XXX RATED by DAVID ARNOT [NSFW]](http://www.yvymag.com/wp-content/uploads/craig-malozzi-sm-yvy-222.jpg)
![craig-malozzi-sm-yvy-3333 craig malozzi sm yvy 3333 EXCLUSIVE! DAY TWO: CRAIG MALOZZI IS XXX RATED by DAVID ARNOT [NSFW]](http://www.yvymag.com/wp-content/uploads/craig-malozzi-sm-yvy-3333.jpg)
![craig-malozzi-sm-yvy-5555new craig malozzi sm yvy 5555new EXCLUSIVE! DAY TWO: CRAIG MALOZZI IS XXX RATED by DAVID ARNOT [NSFW]](http://www.yvymag.com/wp-content/uploads/craig-malozzi-sm-yvy-5555new.jpg)
![craig-malozzi-yvy-xxx-222 craig malozzi yvy xxx 222 EXCLUSIVE! DAY TWO: CRAIG MALOZZI IS XXX RATED by DAVID ARNOT [NSFW]](http://www.yvymag.com/wp-content/uploads/craig-malozzi-yvy-xxx-222.jpg)
![craig-malozzi-xxx-yvymag-x craig malozzi xxx yvymag x EXCLUSIVE! DAY TWO: CRAIG MALOZZI IS XXX RATED by DAVID ARNOT [NSFW]](http://www.yvymag.com/wp-content/uploads/craig-malozzi-xxx-yvymag-x.jpg)
![craig-malozzi-sm-yvy-8888 craig malozzi sm yvy 8888 EXCLUSIVE! DAY TWO: CRAIG MALOZZI IS XXX RATED by DAVID ARNOT [NSFW]](http://www.yvymag.com/wp-content/uploads/craig-malozzi-sm-yvy-8888.jpg)
![craig-malozzi-xxx-yvy-777 craig malozzi xxx yvy 777 EXCLUSIVE! DAY TWO: CRAIG MALOZZI IS XXX RATED by DAVID ARNOT [NSFW]](http://www.yvymag.com/wp-content/uploads/craig-malozzi-xxx-yvy-777.jpg)
![craig-malozzi-xxx-yvy-bbb craig malozzi xxx yvy bbb EXCLUSIVE! DAY TWO: CRAIG MALOZZI IS XXX RATED by DAVID ARNOT [NSFW]](http://www.yvymag.com/wp-content/uploads/craig-malozzi-xxx-yvy-bbb.jpg)
Craig Malozzi as never seen before.
The second part of the series comes even sexier and provocative than the previous one. We discover an other side of this fascinating man, and we can’t hold our impatience to post the final part of this exquisite work of David Arnot. Make sure to visit the first part of the series: Exclusive! Day One: Craig Malozzi is THE MAN! by David Arnot
→ David Arnot Official Site

The American Touch – Interview Colton Haynes

Another VERY young and VERY talented photographer, Christian Rios is only 22 year old, based in California and specializing in pop photograph. His iconic images have been used in album covers, print ads, and remain in high demand. As of late, he has begun to build on his celebrity portfolio, turning his attention to Hollywood. Always motivated to greatness, Rios is back to lead the way in photographic innovation, capturing the imagination any way he can.
Here the subject is the perfect Nicholas Gamez [Ford Models].
→ Christian Rios Official Site

The stylish Guapo Magazine deliver us a fantastic Halloween themed editorial entitled “While Our Blood Still Young” lensed by Daniel Van Flymen around NYC. Make sure to visit the full story. Really cool!
→ While Our Blood Still Young at Guapo Magazine
→ Guapo Magazine on YVY