Direct from Paris, photographer Alberto Rugolotto teams up with stylist Sylvie Cafarell to shoot this provocative bag-advertorial featuring our favorite Italian model Sasha Marini [Commencequest, NY]. Seriously, can these guys take a bad photo?
After our first feature on models Isa Rahman and Travis Hanson by Vincent Dilio for the second issue of Fiasco Magazine [see here] the amazing Vince Nord shares with us the full editorial entitled “This Charming Man“.
Now Major models Isa and Travis are joined by Kerry Degman. Click to enlarge and check out the full story styled by Sean Krens below.
Warning: nudity after the jump!
Major model Dominic Figlio is fortunate to work with the talented Paul Reitz. Enjoy!
Featured link: Milan/Paris Top Men’s Newcomers S/S 2011
Working hard in the gym gorgeous Kamil Kumorek is a young man from the Czech Republic who is interested in modeling for underwear, swimwear, sportswear. Today he is sharing with us a really sexy set of images taken by London-based photographer Haringman.
Photographer Pantelis shot some of the youngest and sexy models from UK for the first issue of Coitus Magazine. The title of the editorial is “United Youth” and the art director is Leon Sanli. WE LOVE IT!