Tonight  we have appointment with  Blood of Scott Barnhill

D.Daner / You are a world wide known top model.  What is the difference between revealing yourself physically at a fashion photo session and revealing yourself to an audience through the songs that you write?

Alvin and the 1015’ / Well in a fashion photo session you are portraying a creative character for the photographer or artist – stylist and when i am doing a show-concert i am portraying my creation- art that is directly linked to who i am, what i have lived, seen touched and so forth there is alot more emotion involved its not  showing a story its reliving it through site sound and motion.

D.D / You often associate Love with melancholy in your texts . I know you live in Paris. Do Baudelaire, Rimbaud and Verlaine form a part of your phantoms?
AAT1’ / Yes living in paris is grand, but the artist themselves do not influance me its more the story , the living of life, the experience, the journey, i feel that the love and meloncholy that you here comes from living to love life and getting hurt by it as well, then finding my way back and at the end still hopelessly finding myself living to love again.

D.D / Your end of May performance at Palais de Tokyo was in a way shocking for many people in the Fashion. You revealed your Universe through this voice that is so distinctive, torn by the electric guitars. What do you feel when you are on the stage to give so much of you?
AAT1’ / Its what i love to do, when exposing myself in this way alot of different things are going around inside of me, i feel completely in the moment of emotion of the song that i am singing, i have been brought to tears i have even been sick before, that was pretty difficult i pulled it off and no one noticed

D.D / What is the origin of “Alvin and the 1015”?
AAT1’ / Alvin is my first name ,a 1015 is a police radio call for a civil disturbance

D.D /Why  « 1015 » ?
AAT1’ / The reason is because when we play we ganna cause a disturbance

D.D / This portrait created by is very far from the glamorous image that you got us used to within these last ten years? Could all this blood be a synonym of a “rebirth”?
AAT1’ / It is in deed a rebirth from and of so many things that i have suppressed and been torn down by this is finally the me that i have been searching for my whole life if not the least, it is a birth and with that i will grow.

• Listen Alvin and the 1015 at Itunes.

• Ph: Franck Glenisson | Make up: Marielle Loubet


The Fearless Project is an art and cultural initiative bringing together artists, outsiders, thinkers, musicians, designers, writers, creatives: anyone who has ever had the urge to do something outside of their comfort zone. The project encourages and celebrates the bold, the creative, the daring – the fearless in every one of us.

As an emerging force in the downtown fashion and art communities, Justin Violini curates atmospheres that explore our own individual boundaries.  Justin’s consistent interest in bridging the art and fashion communities are fused with his own references such as Mapplethorpe, Patti Smith, Warhol, Jenny Livingston’s ‘Paris Is Burning’.

said ‘Art is what you can get away with’.   Redefining the context of art is definitely a part of this process.  But really, pushing personal limits play a far larger role in the Fearless Project,” says Mr. Violini.

The inaugural exhibition is titled ‘Instant’ and like its name, it is here and gone in an instant: a one night only event and installation.  The exhibition of over 75 images finds inspiration in the relationship between voyeur and exhibitionist. Further scrutiny exposes the process – the challenge faced with curating such a large group of participants:  the fear of rejection.  Cleverly listed on each Polaroid is the means to justify an end.

The installation features a film component and a Polaroid display featuring individual male facial expressions at orgasm. Jan Wandrag and Adam Baran will be presenting an exclusive preview of their new untitled project.

The event will take place in Thursday, June 17th from 6:30 – 9 at the Robert Goff Gallery.  This includes viewing of the installation and a variety of programming curated exclusively for the evening.

Contributing artists of note confirmed at the time of release for Instant include photographer John Arsenault, Gio Black Peter, David Busain and Stuart Sandford. The range of participants features emerging, established, uptown and downtown personalities from around the world.

Don’t be afraid.

Check out some fan photos after the jump!

Warning: nudity after the jump!


After the stunning photoshoot with model and personal trainer Vin Gough talented artist/photographer Daniel Holfeld is giving us an exclusive look at his full series “All That Openeth The Womb Is Mine” styled by Courtney Smith. This time model is joined by Naomi Cullen [Assets].

The work was commissioned for London exhibition Lingering Whispers, on until 6 June in The Crypt Gallery, London.


With All That Openeth The Womb, my aim was to create a man so strong, fertile and heroic no one could defeat him, no man or in this case a woman!
It’s the ultimate battle of the sexes, using great Roman battles as a source of inspiration. This work is about freeing ourselves from social constraints, political inequality and financial stresses.
For me the female in this story represents all these controlling factors, imbued in one being!
He is her ultimate opponent, too strong to fight, too wild to tame and too free to control.

We invite you to see the full story and watch an special video on the show after the jump.


Few days ago we had the pleasure to present the first part of Jannis Tsipoulanis‘ inspired series with Amaury Baudoin [Success] and Marius Bonathu [].

Today we got the second part… more rough and inspired by Lou Reed’s second solo album “Transformer”  as well as , they are bringing us back to the seventies.

“The pictures are raw as used to do… I wanted to highlight the iconoclastic aspect of Warhol’s art” – Jannis

Amaury is groomed by Pol and styled by Gregor Doll in pieces from Marc Jacobs. See Lou Reed’s images after the jump.


Marc Jacob’s husband Lorenzo Martone loves today in Humor Chic by .



Australian painter Ross Watson presents his newest painting of French porn star Francois Sagat.

I was motivated by the Vatican’s position on homosexuality, and its ban on condom use, to create a painting which references Caravaggio’s ‘Crucifiction of St Peter’. Francois Sagat continues to play a valuable role in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention and education. I wanted to acknowledge that in the painting, whilst tying it to the Vatican. In contrast, the Vatican uses its status in the UN General Assembly to obstruct the promotion of condoms as protection against HIV/AIDS, and sexuality education in school curricular. Some will regard the painting as provocative, but I don’t believe it is in contrast to the Vatican’s position on these issues. The Pope’s 2nd in charge recently claimed homosexuality and pedophilia are linked. That enraged me. It seems just and deserving to depict Francois Sagat as a contemporary saint, given he is helping to save lives, rather than contributing to causing illness and deaths for millions. The great majority of Caravaggio’s patrons were from the Catholic church, and his paintings were sometimes rejected as they were viewed as inappropriate for a religious theme. I’m reminded here of my freedom as an artist. Imagine what Caravaggio might paint if he were alive today?” – Said Watson

Francois Sagat on YVY

source: Towleroad


Following our feature on Dutch photographer Armando Branco here is another work from The Netherlands. The series “We Fight, We Dance” is a campaign for the Netherlands Dans Theater photographed by famous photographer  Erwin Olaf.

More after the jump.